This past weekend I had the opportunity to get away from New York for a while and take a ride down south to Virginia Beach. The wonderful thing about excursions such as this is that often you come back a little more self aware than when you left. It would be elegant and Kerouac-ish if I could say that such profound insights came from some meditative state while watching foliage go by on the road, but this was not the case. My discovery came from a friend and it was not elegant, profound or poetic. It was just an honest insight from a good friend who happens to be dealing with the death of his mother who happened to be his best friend. He simply told me while I was in the midst of one of my infamous self absorbed rants that I complain too damn much. He also asked me one of the most honest questions that anyone has ever asked (or at least this time I listened) which was "don't you have any happy thoughts"? So this post is an ode and apology to my good friend for having the patience to put up with my selfishness and helping me to look for those happy thoughts every day for the rest of my life as if my life depended on them.
Happy Thought #1: 8/10/2010 My washing machine broke down and instead of getting stressed about it and using money I didn't have to buy a new one, my fiance and I managed to find a repair man to fix it for a fraction of what I would have paid for a new one. Cha Ching!
Happy Thought #2 8/11/2010 On this day I finally reached my weight goal of 210lbs since 3 months ago when I discovered that I was 240lbs and my 7 year old daughter affectionately nicked named me Belly Man! I lost a total of 30 lbs. Do I hear underwear model in my future?
Happy Thought #3 8/11/2010 On this day I discovered that Laurence Fishburne's daughter is a porn star. Not sure if this qualifies as a happy thought because it is at someone's expense, but I'll be damned if it doesn't make me more aware of my role as a father and what an honor it is to have such an esteemed title. Oh and also what can happen if said awareness ever starts to wane. My prayers go out to the both of them.
Happy thought #4: 8/12/2010 Tonight I made dinner for the fam. Cooking is probably first among the many talents that I will discover as I become more domesticated on my journey to the great beyond.
Also, its cool to know that there are at least 3 people in the world who actually approve of what I whip up in the kitchen ( CJ will get his in the form of breast milk; Da Ninny rules!) By the way, tonight's dish was penne and vodka sauce ala Craig. RECOGNIZE BITCHES!!!
Thanks again to my friend Paul for offering me a therapeutic option to dealing with life's little curve balls.
Be good to each other out there!
love and light
all that while moving a bunch of stuff? now i wish i went on the trip or at least ate some penne!
tai loves the kids! and tai loves vodka sauce
LOL!!!!!!!!!! You stupid!
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