Friday, May 1, 2009

What the Flux??!!

Last week while playing hooky from my job I happened upon a street vendor that sold rare DVD’s not sold in stores. Among these treasures was the Silver Surfer cartoon which was dropped from the Fox network after 1 season. I watched in delight as Galactus the devourer of worlds made his way across the galaxy with the Surfer as his guide. Oddly enough this animated fantasy stimulated some thought about my own world. In my case however, the surfer is my landlord Paul who is selling the building and Galactus is the juggernaut influx of new tenants and buyers who permeate my neighborhood in Bedstuy. In essence, the change that I spoke of in previous blog posts has literally reached my door step. I will be moving in about 3 days.

This theme of change does not only involve my living situation. It has also affected my job and even the bar where I go on Tuesdays to unwind and play guitar. The school where I work is undergoing massive restructuring and the bar now has a new owner. This sudden awareness of change has hit me on all major fronts; home, work and entertainment. It is astonishing how rapidly these milestones have taken place especially since it was only a short time ago that I was speaking of it only as a passive observer. All of the speeches I heard and literature I read that have echoed these sentiments could never have captured the essence of what I am experiencing at this very moment. Galactus has arrived and he is hungry. But at the moment as I experience this state of flux as pieces of my world begin to unravel and float into space, I am calm and composed. But the wraith of the planet eater is nothing compared to my fiancés’ who does not share in my calmness or composure and will surely wonder (loudly) what the flux is going on if she found me blogging instead of packing. Therefore, I will embrace the changes to come and the boxes with open arms.


Anonymous said...

Shut up and pack!!! Love your adoring and adorable fiancee.

Anonymous said...

Is this the impending change that had you up at night or is this the external change that is beyond your control? Are there still some loose ends that you have to tie up? Are you still holding your tongue in order not to hurt someone's feelings? I am glad that you seem calm, but maybe it is because external change is something you can't predict or do much about. (If you gotta go, you gotta go.) But internal change that you and you alone control is the real test of whether you are the master of your ship, or just a passenger who can be ejected into hyperspace. Be strong and fearless in this resolve. Or else, you'll be tossing and turning in your new place. Maybe your anxieties have withered down to dust, but if they haven't, handle your shit counselor!

Craig Knight said...

To Anonymous 1: So nice of you to be adoring...the adorable part needs work though :-)

To Anonymous 2: The loose ends part i guess remains to be seen. Holding my tongue in the past has only brought me heart burn. I have come to realize recently that not holding my tongue can also cause grief but not without growth. Since growth is important, I choose the latter. Thanks for the for the vote of confidence btw. I am feeling more fearless with each passing day.